Sophia Brueckner at Tangible Embedded Interfaces in Stockholm

Stamps Assistant Professor Sophia Brueckner will be exhibiting the Embodisuit and facilitating a workshop on eTextiles at ACM Tangible Embedded Interfaces in Stockholm.
TEI 2018 is the 12th annual conference dedicated to presenting the latest results in tangible, embedded, and embodied interaction. It will be held 18th to 21st March 2018 in Stockholm, Sweden.
This year the theme of the conference is Post-digital Design. In the early days of TEI, a common assumption was that our physical mundane reality could be augmented by sprinkling it with the magic of digital technology. Over the last decade there is less mystery to the realm of digital technologies as the digital have become the mundane, inseparable from our everyday routines. The digital is also increasingly distrusted and challenged in various ways, as the divisive creator of filter bubbles and the breading ground of alternative facts. In the post-digital era, on the other hand, we see a turn to vintage materials and craftsmanship, old media – like vinyl records – and natural materials have come to the fore, and along with the practices of making them are once more being cherished. Designing for the post digital does not mean blindly embracing nostalgia or turning away from technology – it means demystifying the digital through the design process and encouraging designs that equalise the status of digital and analogue, both in the materials and the practices.
Designing eTextiles for the Body: Shape, Volume & Motion
Organized by Rachel Freire, Paul Strohmeier, Cedric Honnet, Jarrod Knibbe, Sophia Brueckner
Sunday, March 18th
Open Lab (Valhallavägen 79, 114 27 Stockholm)
Studio website:
Arts Exhibition:
5:30 – 11p, Tuesday, March 20th
Kulturhuset, Stockholm