Shreyas Karle: Visiting Artist

Visiting artist, organizer, curator, and CONA co-founder Shreyas Karle gave a presentation at Stamps on Monday, March 13 entitled SUICIDE (structuring utopian institutional centres in a dysfunctional economy/ecosystems).
Karle’s visit was supported by the Presidential India Initiatives grant and Witt Visiting Artist fund.
Working across disciplines, Shreyas Karle uses formats such as illustration, collage, video, publications, sculptural forms and collaborative community projects to visually harness absurdity and social puns that shine light upon more serious psychological issues and situations. In his own words, Karle concerns himself with the grammar of art, and his process-based practice comes together in unique ways that is more concerned with the idea than the final form. Karle purposefully works against ideas of linear creative processes and celebrates the accidental findings of research that link his nomadic moments of inspiration. In addition to his work as a visual artist and directly linked to process of his practice, Karle is also the founder and co-director of CONA, an artist run space in Mumbai, and has also served as the Artistic Director of Sandarbh, another artist run residency in a village in Rajasthan.
Karle has exhibited in the first Kochi Biennale, at the ESSL Museum in Vienna and has been awarded residencies at Gasworks, ProHelvetia, Montalvo Arts Center and various honors such as the FICA Emerging Artist Award, the Bodhi Award, and the NasreenMohamedi Scholarship from the Faculty of Fine Arts, MSU Baroda.
Learn more about Karle’s Cona Projects: