Seth Ellis & John Marshall: Tales of Getting Things Made in “The D”

Seth Ellis and John Marshall will participate in a panel discussion at Wayne State University in collaboration with the Association for the Study of the Arts of the Present on Friday, Oct. 4.
3:30 — 5:00 PM / ROUNDTABLE / SESSION 6 / ROOM J
Tales of Getting Things Made in “The D”
CHAIRS: Heidi Beebe & John Marshall
Ellis and Marshall will discuss their Re:Tool-Kit for Detroit project with some of the Detroit-based artists, designers and fabricators they interviewed for the study.
Bethany Shorb, Artist & Entrepreneur, Co-Founder of OmniCorpDetroit, Founder of Cyberoptix
Wes Taylor, Artist & Lecturer, Wayne State University, Founder of Talking Dolls, Founder of Emergence Media / Complex Movements
Chido Johnson, Artist & Associate Professor of Fine Arts, College of Creative Studies
Aaron Blendowski, Artist, Fabricator & Woodshop and Fabrications Coordinator, Cranbrook Academy of Art, Adjunct Professor, Lawrence Technological University, Co-Founder OmniCorp Detroit
Keith Nagara, Designer, Director of Transportation Design, Lawrence Technological University
Heidi Beebe, Lecturer University of Michigan, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Architect, Beebe Skidmore Architects
John Marshall, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design, Partner rootoftwo, LLC
Julia McMorrough, Associate Professor of Practice in Architecture University of Michigan, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Co-founder, studioAPT
Seth Ellis, Assistant Professor University of Michigan, Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design
Re-Toolkit for Detroit is a study funded by the Research on the City program at the Taubman College of Architecture & Urban Planning at the University of Michigan. Research on the City was made possible by the generosity of Alan and Cynthia Berkshire.