Sara Kenward: Social Justice Comics Contest

Stamps student Sara Kenward (BFA ‘21) was recently announced as the third prize winner for the Conflict and Peace Initiative’s Social Justice Comics Contest (15−18 age group). As a winning contestant, she received a gift certificate to the Vault of Midnight and was invited to participate in the Marching Forward Symposium, a showcase of local scholars and artists whose works involve civil rights and social justice.
Sara’s comic, entitled “At Age…”, represents the common, daily struggles women of all ages encounter throughout their lives. This topic is of great importance to Sara as a young woman growing up in the United States, at a time of renewed hatred, violence, sexism, and bigotry. On January 21st, 2017, Sara and her mom attended the Women’s March on Chicago; she felt inspired and uplifted by the strength and enthusiasm of her fellow marchers, and hopes to draw on this empowering experience when creating future art pieces.