Ron Eglash, Dr. Jane Prophet at a2ru Town Hall

On Tuesday, May 28 from 9 am‑3:30 pm in the Michigan League Ballroom on the University of Michigan campus, faculty from all academic disciplines will come together at a Town Hall to learn more about best practices for arts integration into the curriculum, based on findings from the 2018 report The Integration of the Humanities and Arts with Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in Higher Education: Branches from the Same Tree.
Stamps School dean Guna Nadarajan was part of the 22-person expert committee that compiled the report, released by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Stamps professor Ron Eglash and Stamps Associate Dean for Research, Creative Work, and Strategic Initiatives Dr. Jane Prophet will be featured speakers at the Town Hall, organized by the Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru), the U‑M Provost’s Office, the U‑M President’s Office, and ArtsEngine.
According to the report:
“The range of positive student outcomes this report identifies includes improved written and oral communication skills, ethical decision-making, critical thinking, and the ability to apply knowledge in the real world. The report also supports interdisciplinary integration as a method to improve and enrich students’ success in their workplace, in society, and in their lives.”
This town hall will also engage participants in discussions about how to implement strategies that facilitate the creation, evaluation and sustainability of courses and programs that intentionally integrate the arts and humanities with STEMM at U‑M.