Roland Graf: Solar Pink Pong Nominated for the New Technological Art Award

Solar Pink Pong, the street video game created by Stamps Assistant Professor Roland Graf’s Daylight Media Lab and artist collective Assocreation, has been nominated for a New Technological Art Award (NTAA). The game was nominated for the award, an international art competition of the Liedts-Meesen Foundation, by a jury led by Martin Honzik and Peter Weibel. Solar Pink Pong will be shown during the exhibition “update_6 / NTAA 2016”, which will take place from November 5 — December 4, 2016 at Zebrastraat Ghent and the Centre for Fine Arts Brussels, Belgium.
NTAA selects and presents creations in which culture-forming technology plays a central role. Whether low or high tech, or intuitive or experimental, these creations always make us attentive to the innovative trends of our times. The exhibition of achievements of the selected winners is a compass that orients you to the relevant and innovative use of technology in the artistic sector.