Roland Graf: Rolling Shadows in Brazil

Roland Graf’s artist collective Assocreation presented “Rolling Shadows” — an interactive sidewalk spectacle involving tiny solar toy cars — with the participation of the Brazilian artists Danilo Castro and Fabio Salun as part of INTERCIDADES in Joinville, Brazil.
“INTERCIDADES is an international, itinerant exhibit of contemporary art, brought to the public by the Schwanke Museum of Contemporary Art (Joinville, Brazil). The exhibition program is focused on performance, relational art, urban intervention and other contemporary art practices that engage in public participation and active dialogue, and it is presented twice: first in Joinville, Brazil, and then in Lansing, Michigan. All presentations/installations take place in the public, urban space of the cities.”
Rolling Shadows is now coming back to the USA and will be shown for the second edition of INTERCIDADES in Lansing, Michigan on Sept 8, 2013.