Rebekah Modrak Named Faculty Fellow at Institute for the Humanities

The Institute for the Humanities at U‑M has awarded fellowships for the 2021 – 22 academic year to eight faculty members, including Stamps professor Rebekah Modrak.
The Faculty Fellowship Program at the Institute for the Humanities provides faculty members with a release from teaching and service duties to pursue their research interests. Fellows are in residence at the Institute for the full academic year, becoming members of a vibrant interdisciplinary community of creators, scholars, and researchers. Past fellows from the Stamps School include Phoebe Gloeckner, Jim Cogswell, and Heidi Kumao.
During the 2021 – 22 academic year, Professor Rebekah Modrak will focus on her project, “UnProductiveSolutions: Humanizing Technology.”
Announcing the 2021 – 22 Institute for the Humanities Fellows |