Rebekah Modrak Moderates “The Future of Art,” a U-M Arts Initiative Event Series

As part of the U‑M Arts Initiative, Stamps Professor Rebekah Modrak moderates “The Future of Art: Is the Future of Art the Death of Art?” This panel discussion is the first in what will be a virtual event series.
Featuring essayist, critic, and author William Deresiewicz; Black feminist rap artist SAMMUS (Enongo Lumumba-Kasongo); artist and creative director atiya jones; and playwright and science fiction novelist Monica Byrne, this event will explore observations and experiences with the nature of art and the role of the artist in society.
In his new book The Death of the Artist: How Creators Are Struggling to Survive in the Age of Billionaires and Big Tech, William Deresiewicz interviews artists of all kinds and describes their experiences in a narrative of the modern struggles of creators; the unique challenges they face in this digital era; and how exploitation and instant gratification have changed our perceptions of art. During this panel discussion, the artists featured will propose their visions for the future of art.
The Future of Art: Is the Future of Art the Death of Art? |