Rebekah Modrak Cited on Design Incubation

A recent article published on Design Incubation cites Stamps Associate Professor Rebekah Modrak’s project Re Made Co. as an emerging model of speculative work in design, using research-based production and media-based dissemination. In the article “Critical Practices as Design Scholarship: Opportunities and Strategies,” scholars Jessica Barness and Steven McCarthy ask “How might design faculty approach the production and dissemination of creative work that is neither client-based nor fine art? Over the past decade, other paths to knowledge formation and scholarly productivity have emerged, and we refer to these as critical practices. Involving a speculative approach to design (experimental, expressive, future-oriented), critical practices combine an authorial point-of-view with research and the tangible aspects of media, technology, materials, and process.” The paper “is written for faculty, scholars, administrators, and practitioners interested in learning more about critical practices and their connection with design scholarship.”
The Re Made project is online at