Rebekah Modrak: Artist in Residence at CEMA, Bangalore, India

Stamps Associate Professor Rebekah Modrak will be an Artist in Residence at the Centre for Experimental Media and Arts (CEMA) in Bangalore, India from January 7 to February 7, 2017. CEMA is an artist, hacker, and makerspace, and a platform for artistic and curatorial experimentation with media and emerging technologies that have transdisciplinarity, cooperation and social change at their heart.
The centre encourages practices, research and collaborations that employ new critical forms of reflection and engagement with contemporary culture and society, and are informed by technological developments and their aesthetic, socio-political and economic impact on our world.
While at CEMA, Professor Modrak will work on several projects, including the curatorial collaboration #exstrange, with Marialaura Ghidini, and another intervention to be distributed in Spring 2017. #exstrange, a curatorial project transforming eBay into a site of artistic production and cultural exchange as an artistic intervention into capitalism, will launch online on January 15 and will be distributed in Kochi to coincide with the Kochi Biennale. While in Bangalore, Modrak will also organize a masterclass for Srishti Institute of Art, Design & Technology faculty.