Professor Emeritus Richard Wilt Featured in Detroit Partnership

This summer, the work of Stamps Professor Emeritus Richard Wilt has been featured in a unique partnership between the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History and the Detroit Institute of Art. Wilt’s pieces, Heads and Hands (1967) and Words and Voices 1967 (1967) are featured as part of the Inside|Out program, where works are reproduced and featured in outdoor spaces around Metro Detroit in order to engage community members who have not had the opportunity to visit the museum. “Art has the powerful ability to unify, and Inside|Out allows us to bring people together outside of the museum walls,” said Salvador Salort-Pons, DIA director. “We see ourselves as more than a museum; we use art to encourage connections and improve understanding among our diverse communities.” The reproductions have been featured in 11 communities from April to July, and then in 10 other venues from August to October.