Parisa Ghaderi: A.I.R. Gallery Exhibition

Parisa Ghaderi (MFA 2014) is featured in in “A ‘Womanhouse’ or a Roaming House?”, on display at NYC’s A.I.R gallery from Jan. 9 — Feb. 2.
A ‘Womanhouse’ or a Roaming House? ‘A Room of One’s Own’ Today revisits the requisite territory for artistic production by women visual artists suggested by Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own and articulated at Womanhouse in Los Angeles in 1972. As many around the world are considering reviving the model of the commons as an alternative to global capitalism’s privatization of the social, and as local geographies compete with global identities, this exhibition considers the following questions: What is the room today? Who occupies it? What is the space necessary for an artist to make art in and for whom? Rather than a “Womanhouse” ought we now envision a Rooming House or a Roaming House?
“A ‘Womanhouse’ or a Roaming House?”
January 9 — February 2, 2014
Opening Reception: Thursday, January 9, 2014, 6 – 9pm
Video Screening: Saturday, January, 18th, 2014, 3 – 5:30pm
Panel Discussion: Saturday, February 1st 2014, 4 – 6pm