Omar Sosa-Tzec Speaks at Graphic Design Conference

Assistant Professor Omar Sosa-Tzec was invited to speak about delightful interfaces at Contraste Colectivo, the 3rd International Conference on Graphic Design organized by the School of Architecture, Design, and Urbanism of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, located in Tampico, Tamaulipas. The conference took place April 04 – 05, 2019 at this school in Mexico.
Professor Sosa-Tzec discussed the semiotic and rhetorical aspects of delight regarding interfaces that people use in their everyday life. In this talk, the Stamps professor underscored the importance of developing a critical perspective on design practices and products, particularly, about how they generate meaning and influence people’s beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Prof. Sosa-Tzec illustrated how foundations of semiotic and rhetoric help designers to develop such a perspective. Moreover, he discussed the application of this perspective to analyze or generate interfaces that can provoke delight in the users.