Nick Tobier: um3detroit

Stamps Professor Nick Tobier is featured in an MLive article about the University’s um3detroit event, hosted on May 3 in the Stephen M. Ross School of Business.
UM Professor of Art and Design Nick Tobier, who convened one of the event’s panels on whether it was necessary to establish a school of urban studies in Detroit, said the university and Detroit share responsibility in confronting the many challenges the city has faced, like sustained deindustrialization, depopulation, disinvestment and poor race relations.
“The relationships are continually complex,” Tobier said. “Much of that has to do with the legacy of the University of Michigan moving from the city out to Ann Arbor, and our regional relationships between cities and the areas that surround them. There are unanswered questions about race and class and how we contend with our inner cities and our suburbs and how we think of these things regionally, as well as locally.”
200 years of Detroit-University of Michigan bonds celebrated in Ann Arbor |