Nick Tobier appears on Detroit talk show

The Contemporary Art Institute of Detroit, (CAID), announces its seventh episode of Tonight@theCAID to be taped on May 15, 2011 at 8 p.m. The show is filmed in front of a live studio audience, so early attendance is stressed due to limited seating. Tonight@theCAID is a web-based talk show filmed every other Sunday and is posted to, where past episodes are archived. The CAID is located at 5141 Rosa Parks Blvd. Detroit, MI 48208. Episode 7 will feature guests Jenenne Whitfield, Nick Tobier, and musical guest Invincible. This episode celebrates urban and social issues as well as city beautification and revitalization.
Jenenne Whitfield has served as the Executive Director for the Heidelberg Project for the past 18 years and has won numerous awards for her city involvement. To learn more about the Heidelberg Project, visit
Nick Tobier is an urban explorer and enthusiast whose public performances and work is rooted in the social lives of public places. Tobier has worked as a landscape architect in private practice and with the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation/Bronx Division and is now an associate professor at the University of Michigan.
Invincible is a fellow of Kresge Arts in Detroit and the Ellen Stone Belic Institute for Women and Gender in the Arts and Media. Invincible has garnered international renown for her lyrics and active involvement in progressive social change. For more information visit her website: