Nancy Lorenz in Galerie Magazine

A new article in Galerie Magazine features an interview with artist Nancy Lorenz (BFA 1985) with images of recent commissioned work.
In the early 1990s, it was rare, if not unheard of, for galleries to show art and design side by side. Nancy Lorenz is one of the artists who helped change that.
Blurring the boundaries between fine and decorative arts, Lorenz makes paintings, sculptures, and installations that include mother-of-pearl inlay, lacquer, and water gilding. Clients, collectors, and exhibitors include Chanel and architect David Rockwell, as well as galleries and museums worldwide. Her abstract art, which has a luminous East-meets-West quality, references nature and science while employing old-world craftsmanship.
Why Artist Nancy Lorenz Loves Mother of Pearl and Goldleaf | Galerie