Najwat Rehman: Elsie Choy Lee Scholar

Stamps graduate student Najwat Rehman (MDes ’21) has been awarded a 2020 – 2021 Elsie Choy Lee Scholarship, presented in a virtual ceremony this past fall.
The Elsie Choy Lee Scholarship, awarded by the Center for the Education of Women+ at the University of Michigan, assists undergraduate and graduate students pursuing their own work in art, writing, or music. It is also awarded to students researching creative women who have been underrepresented in these fields. The scholarship was established in 2001 by Lee’s husband, the late Joseph T. A. Lee, with the support of family and friends.
CEW+ empowers women and underserved individuals in the University of Michigan and surrounding communities by serving as an advocate and providing resources to help them reach their academic, financial, and professional potential.