Michigan Animation Club Workshops

The Michigan Animation Club is excited to introduce a series of 3 workshops introducing students to the most essential skill sets in the animation industry today. These short training sessions are designed to make students comfortable with concepts that any animator must understand, skills that students can follow-up and build their skills upon. These workshops are intended for students interested not only in animation but those who wish to add a valuable skill to their repertoire.
Workshop 1 is Friday, March 28 from 5:00 – 6:00 PM and covers the fundamentals of good animation, including the 12 Basic Principles of Animation, transforming static movement into motion that mimics the laws of nature, and application of those principles to a project. This is a fundamental skill for anyone not only looking to work in the animation industry but for those working with any type of moving image.
The workshops will be facilitated by Stephanie O’Malley and will last for an hour, with time for Q&A at the end. Workshop 1 will be held in the Visualization Lab at the Duderstadt Library (next to the 3D Lab, across from Design Lab 1).
Workshop 1: Fundamentals of Animation. March 28, 5 – 6PM
Workshop 2: After Effects Animation. April 11, 5 – 6PM
Workshop 3: Introduction to the Animation Pipeline. April 18, 5 – 6PM