Michele Oka Doner: Wall Street Journal

Michele Oka Doner’s (B.S. Des. 1966, MFA 1968) work is featured in a Sept. 3 Wall Street Journal profile by Leigh Kamping-Carder.
The 69-year-old artist sees little difference between her free-standing sculptures, public-art installations, furniture, jewelry, and commissions for condo buildings and private homes.
“People come to you with their quote-unquote problems, with their strange spaces they can’t figure out what to do [with],” says Ms. Oka Doner, swathed in white fabric and slim white leggings in her Soho live/work studio.
And so they end up with a work of art, such as the amethyst and bronze doorbell for Hollywood producer Joel Silver’s Los Angeles home, the coral-like balustrade for a staircase in a Houston home, or the 132 gilded, dragonfly-pattern scrim panels for a disco room in a home in Gstaad, Switzerland.