Melis Agabigum Exhibits May the Bridges I Burn, Light the Way at BBAC

Work by Melis Agabigum (BFA 2013) is featured in May the Bridges I Burn, Light the Way, a solo exhibition at the Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center (BBAC) from March 10 — April 23 with an opening reception from 6 — 8 pm on March 10.
Provoked by an interest in material fiction, Melis’s work examines loss, repetition & the notion of burden that individuals carry from their relationships. Her soft sculptures explore the unseen tether of the physical & emotional weights that affect individuals in how they perceive their connection to others, their bodies & space.
Melis Agabigum: May the Bridges I Burn, Light the Way
Exhibition Dates: March 10 — April 23, 2017
Opening reception: March 10, 6 — 8 pm
Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center
1516 S. Cranbrook, Birmingham, MI 48009