Melis Agabigum: Alchemy 2

Melis Agabigum’s (BFA 2013) enameled small scale installation “The Sea is the Saddest Lullaby that I Can’t Hear (2012)” will be on display as part of the 10th International Juried Student Enamel Exhibition at The Carnegie Center, in Covington, Kentucky from July 22 — Aug. 23, with an opening reception Friday, Aug. 2, 2013.
The Enamelist Society, the nation’s largest support group for the art of enameling, will host its exhibition at The Carnegie, July 22 — August 23, 2013. Alchemy 2: A New Global Vision for Enamel will include works representing both the 14th Biennial International Juried Enamel Exhibition and the 10th International Juried Student Enamel Exhibition. A special selection of works from the estate of Harold B. (Bill) Helwig, a renowned enamelist from Newport, KY, will also be featured.
Alchemy 2: A New Global Vision for Enamel
July 22 — August 23, 2013
Reception: Friday August 2, 2013, 6 – 9 p.m.
The Carnegie, 1028 Scott Blvd Covington, KY 41011