Melanie Manos: Naoshima My Bus at CCS

Melanie Manos will present “Naoshima My Bus” for the College of Creative Studies’ TravelArt Talk Series, April 5, 6:30 pm. TravelArt Talks are informal slideshow talks by local art travelers presented periodically throughout the year. Taking the form of a personal travelogue, presenters share places, experiences, and encounters during art-related travel near and far. Manos will speak about her journeys through Naoshima and Teshima, two of Japan’s “Art Islands” in the Japanese Inland Sea.
Melanie Manos: “Naoshima My Bus”
April 5, 6:30 pm
Wendell W. Anderson Jr. Auditorium, Walter B. Ford II Building
Walter & Josephine Ford Campus at CCS, Detroit, MI