Melanie Manos Named U-M Collegiate Lecturer

Lecturer and Stamps alumna Melanie Manos (MFA ’08) has been named a U‑M Collegiate Lecturer. The Collegiate Lecturer Program is designed to recognize Lecturers who demonstrate a sustained record of excellence in teaching and learning and/or in service or other contribution to the University. Collegiate Lecturers retain this title for the duration of their career as a Lecturer, and receive funding in the first two years in the title to support teaching and professional development.
In addition to her thriving creative practice (she is a 2020 Kresge Artist Fellow), Manos is known to many of our students and alums for teaching Detroit Connections: In the Classroom, a Detroit Connections class.
During the 20 – 21 academic year, Detroit Connections created Art Connects Kids, a website of art activities designed by Stamps undergraduate students to keep K‑12 students creatively engaged during the remote learning realities of the pandemic. The site has been used by art centers, schools, and families across the globe.
Manos is currently working to launch a Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) with the Center for Academic Innovation at U‑M. Manos’ MOOC is entitled, Visualizing Women’s Work: Using Art Media for Social Justice. Manos conducted related research during her Summer 2020 Fellowship with U‑M’s Institute for the Humanities.
The Collegiate Lecturer award is fitting recognition of Melanie’s many accomplishments and contributions to the Stamps School and the university. It honors her success in teaching a wide range of courses, the positive impact she has had on our students, her generosity toward colleagues across campus, and her active citizenship in the university and the school.