Max Collins: Press in the Flesh

Press in The Flesh, a new exhibition by Max Collins (BFA 2011), features portraits of Buffalo News employees printed on top of collages of issues of the newspaper they work for.
Collins’ work is inspired by a previous portrait of Tom Hayden (below), made during his senior year Integrative Project at the Stamps School.
More info: New Max Collins exhibition is a paean to newspaper journalism | Buffalo News
“Press in the Flesh” : A Series by Max Collins
August 2 — 14; Opening Reception: August 2, 2013
MAIN (ST)UDIOS, 515 Main St, Buffalo, New York 14203
Press in the Flesh is portrait series featuring photographs of all the different characters involved in the 24 hour business of print journalism, including all the editors, writers and photographers that make a daily newspaper possible. What makes this body of work unique is that the subjects are printed directly on top of the newspaper they contribute to, adding another dimension to the image that not only speaks to the individual, but infuses them with the product they work so hard to produce. As we embark deeper into the digital age, the security of the printed word continues to waiver, which will allow these portraits to act as an artifact in the future of how newspapers were once produced. Presented by TBN Direct.