Matt Kenyon Featured in “Practice Theory”

Matt Kenyon’s work is featured in a chapter of Practice Theory: Seeing the Power of Art Teacher Researchers, edited by Melanie L. Buffington and Sara Wilson McKay and published by National Art Education Association.
Teachers are powerful individuals who have the ability to effect change and meaningful educational reform. Seeing research at the heart of teaching can grow engaged educational practice and aid teachers in realizing their power.
Chapters on methodologies, as well as example studies in diverse art education settings, work to bridge the perceived divide between theory and practice. Examples beyond public school classrooms include senior citizen centers, preschools, museums, and international sites.
This collaboration of voices — including those of the authors, a graduate student, and a wide range of researchers with various perspectives on how research occurs in art education — will help new researchers and teachers who may not have considered conducting research as a possibility for them, find a glimpse of themselves as a teacher-researcher.
“Practice Theory is especially relevant for art teachers who wish to engage in research and have their voices heard and valued. Readers will be engaged in a research process themselves as side bars, comments related to the real world by the two editors, essays and research reports, and visuals and graphs demand they play a role in interpreting the text and arriving at understandings relevant to their own research practices. Practice Theory is a highly recommended text for learning about research methodologies and their relation to practice in art education.”
—Enid Zimmerman, Professor Emerita of Art Education and current Organizer of Gifted and Talented Programs at Indiana University School of Education, Bloomington
©2013. Used with permission of the National Art Education Association.