Matt Kenyon: Drive-Thru Art Show features Meat Helmet

Matteawan Gallery is pleased to present Drive-Thru, a group exhibition featuring work by Christopher Albert, Liam Goodman, Peter Iannarelli and Matt Kenyon. The exhibition runs through August 31, 2013, and features sculpture, multi-media works, and video. On the night of the opening, Liam Goodman will also be presenting The First Annual Fast Food Training Film Festival, which includes films from the 70s and 80s that will teach the viewer about good customer service and how to fry chicken and grill hamburgers. The four artists in this exhibition respond to fast food in different ways. Matt Kenyon’s video Meat Helmet is a critical look at the fast food industry that addresses the health issues and nutritional value of eating fast food. Kenyon invented a helmet to aid in chewing a hamburger that also burns calories. The person wearing the helmet would have to chew for 8 hours to burn off the calories from one Big Mac. Meat Helmet addresses the absurd attempt of fast food chains to market their food to people who are health conscious.