Marjorie Tomchuk: Journal of the Print World Profile

In the January 2022 edition of Journal of the Print World, Marjorie Tomchuk (BFA ’57, MA ’61) is profiled in an article by Laura G. Einstein, Manager of the Mezzanine Gallery at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The article, Marjorie Tomchuk: An Artist/Printmaker Who Expands Dimensions in Printed Form, is excerpted below:
Canadian born artist Marjorie Tomchuk has been a printmaker for the entirety of her professional career. Two printmaking techniques are her métier – woodcut and etching in its myriad and variety of forms. At the age of 87, she is still winning first place awards in exhibitions such as at Carriage Barn Arts Center in New Canaan, CT, where she was awarded the Betty Barker Award (Best in Show) for Sunlight and Smoke this past September 2021.
Sunlight and Smoke is the perfect example of Tomchuk’s singular artistic talent. Note the sun on the horizon, the undulating waves of the clouds as they move across the three bands of sky, the embossed forms that define the roiling skyscape, and the luminous burn of the setting sun. The blazing sun is defined by inks that are fiery reds and yellows. Verdant greens and soft blues are complemented by quieter shades of beige and taupe that are interspersed throughout the picture plane. The fibrous, uneven borders of this work allows the sunset to expand infinitely.