Marian Perez: Gaming App Thrills Mott Hospitalized Children

Marian Perez (BFA 2012) was recently honored for her work in creating Foozel, an app designed to calm and entertain kids waiting to be treated at the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Perez, a graphic designer at the University of Michigan Credit Union (UMCU), created the app with a team that included illustrators Jessica Krcmarik (BFA 2012) and Sarah Renken (BFA 2015) and grad student Malcolm McLachan. The app serves as part of the credit union’s three-year, $342,000 pledge to benefit the children’s hospital and Von Voigtlander Women’s Hospital.
Developers based the app — a suite of four children’s games — on fossils, because the credit union contributed to installation costs for the “Ancient Arb I” bronze, mother of pearl, and terrazzo fossil floor in the hospital’s main entrance.
“The app brings the whole hospital experience down to a fun and human scale. It’s crazy to see how popular it has become,” Perez says.
Gaming App Thrills Hospitalized Children | CUNA News