Lyz Luidens: Intersections - The City Through Cartography

On display through March 30, Intersections: The City Through Cartography is an exhibition of contemporary maps by Detroiters. The work is presented by DETROITography, a project conceived and curated by Alex Hill, and Detroit Atlas Collaboration, a project conceived and curated by Lyz Luidens (BFA 2013).
DETROITography places emphasis on the unique way that people within the city think about space and place, their own idiosyncratic demographics and pathways and memories, all offering an array of insights and directives as to the exact location of Detroit embedded within history but at the same time, transformative related to dominant narratives of the city.
Detroit Atlas Collaboration conveys Detroiters’ experiences in a wide range of neighborhoods within the city and provides context for one another, a juxstaposition of personal experiences of people who live in the same geographic space, but often very different social, political, and historically contextualized spaces.
The exhibition turns the DCDT Gallery into an interactive space where members of the community are welcome to contribute to the ongoing projects by creating their own map of the city.
Intersections: The City through Cartography
February 2 — March 30, 2018
Detroit Center for Design + Technology
4219 Woodward Ave, Detroit, Michigan 48201