Judy Enright Exhibits in “Everywoman”

Judy Enright‘s (BFA ‘85) work is featured in “Everywoman”, an exhibition celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Center for the Education of Women, March 3 — May 23 at the Rackham Building in Ann Arbor.
“Everywoman” seeks to explore and interpret the diverse ways women’s aspirations, lives, work and families are represented and expressed in the visual arts. The artworks on display are composed of a variety of media including paintings, drawings, photographs, textiles, and mosaics. Young adult women are revealed in pensive, expressive paintings that depict the exuberance and the aloneness of early adult identity formation. Women in relationships appear often and are seen engaging with romantic partners, children, animals and magical spirits.
Women’s experiences of their bodies are interpreted through their figures and faces and also defined as targets of inspection and abstracted social fields. Some artworks are visual reminders of the obstacles encountered in life and the supports which guide one through along the way. A small girl with her mother, an elder, global sisters and ancestors are represented. Women are observed gazing out and looking within. Moods and qualities of being, ideas and humor, self regard and worry wind their way visually through this wide narrative exploration of “Everywoman”.
March 3rd — May 23rd 2014
Rackham Building, 4th floor
915 East Washington, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Monday — Friday 8am — 9pm
April 10th, 6pm: gathering to tour the exhibit and meet the artists