Judi Simon: President of State Federation of Porcelain Art Clubs of Texas

Judi Simon (BS Design 1969) was recently elected President of the State Federation of Porcelain Art Clubs of Texas for 2017 — 2018. This organization has been in existence for almost 60 years and hosts some of the world’s top professional porcelain artists at their annual state convention. Since retirement as President and CEO of an international medical manufacturing company, Simon has devoted her time to introducing the general public to this unique and beautiful art form. She is a member and certified porcelain artist and teacher with IPAT, Inc. and a member of CPTT. She travels and teaches the art of porcelain painting throughout Texas and the country.
Simon also recently had one of her porcelain art pieces chosen to represent the city of Waco, Texas at an art show to be held May 12 – 17 at the Texas state capital building in Austin. The City of Waco chose her piece, along with 51 other pieces of art by local artists, to create a deck of cards as a fundraiser for the city as well as a way to help sponsor and foster the arts in central Texas. Waco, Texas has become a tourist destination with a variety of pop-up shows, museums, a world renowned zoo and a new arts district classification.