Jordyn Fishman: 2018 Michigan Emerging Graduate Artists Exhibition

Stamps student Jordyn Fishman’s work will be part of the Michigan Emerging Graduate Artists (MEGA) exhibition, on view August 15 — December 2 at the Urban Institute For Contemporary Arts in Grand Rapids, MI.
Michigan Emerging Graduate Artists (MEGA) is an annual juried exhibition of works by artists who are currently enrolled in graduate level study or are current-year graduates of an undergraduate program at one of Michigan’s academic institutions. MEGA is organized by the Kendall College of Art and Design graduate student association, the Masters Student Collective (MSC). The 2018 exhibition, juried by Matthew Eaton and Shelley Stevens, includes work by selected artists Amber Bledsoe, Andrew Somoskey, Angelica Hay, Anna Schierbeek, Cody Norman, Egan Franks Holzhausen, Emily Somoskey, Huaming Wang, Jameson B Gower, Jordyn Fishman, Katie Toepp, Lyndsi Schuesler, and True Harrigan.
Michigan Emerging Graduate Artists (MEGA)
The Urban Institute For Contemporary Arts, 2 Fulton West Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Exhibition Dates: Friday, August 17 — Sunday, December 2
Opening Reception: Friday, August 17, 5:30 — 9:00 pm