John Marshall Advises, Programs, Reviews

Assistant Professor John Marshall is on the advisory board of a two-day conference on interdisciplinary collaboration in data visualization titled ‘Making Visible the Invisible’ at University of Huddersfield, UK, March 10 – 11, 2011. This event seeks not only to contribute to the debate around data visualization but also to a better understanding of what makes interdisciplinary collaborations successful. The conference aims to provide a platform for open dialogue and discussion across disciplinary cultures and seek a better understanding of the critical requirements for interdisciplinary collaboration.
Marshall has joined the programming committee for the ‘Create11’ interaction design symposium to be held at Shoreditch House, London, UK, June 23, 2011. The theme of this year’s event is The Language of Creativity. This event seeks to encourage discussion around the issues of how creativity is interpreted and used in collaborative and interdisciplinary interaction design projects. Critical to this dialogue is the involvement of both researchers and practitioners. The symposium will provide an opportunity to share project experiences and emerging themes in this hybrid field. The CREATE committee invites examples of novel design practice, methods and ideas from the commercial, academic and public sectors.
Marshall is also a reviewer for the SIGGRAPH 2011 Art Gallery: ‘Tracing Home’ at the Vancouver Convention Centre, Vancouver, Canada August 7 – 11, 2011 part of the 38th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques.