John Gutoskey: “The Wounded” at the Kinsey Institute

Two collage works, “The Wounded Man” and “The Seeker”, from the series “The Wounded” by 3rd year MFA John Gutoskey were chosen for the show “Past/Present” at The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction at Indiana University in Bloomimgton, Indiana.
“Past/Present” brings together a varied selection of older artworks and materials from The Kinsey Institute collection and pairs them with recent acquisitions, to explore the connection between the work of contemporary artists and artwork and imagery from past eras. Established in 1947, The Kinsey Institute now holds one of the world’s largest and most renowned collections of historical and contemporary art, artifacts, and photographs related to sex, gender, and reproduction. More than 100,000 items span more than 2,000 years of human history. These materials are available for use by qualified researchers and are featured in exhibitions and publications. The Kinsey recently acquired “The Seeker” (pictured) for their permanent collection. Past/Present runs from September 6 through December 20, 2013.