Jim Lewison Featured

AECOM Interior Design Director Jim Lewison (BFA 1979) recently discussed his work, influences, and industry trends in an interview by Anne DiNardo for Healthcare Design.
Jim Lewison’s work schedule takes him out of the office so often that his AECOM coworkers came up with the game “Where in the World Is Jim?” to play during staff meetings. During his 30 years with the firm (previously known as Ellerbe Becket), he’s traveled to Singapore, China, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, India, and Turkey. …“I fell into [interior design] by accident. I attended the School of Art & Design at the University of Michigan, and during a basic studio class I encountered a professor in the interior design program. His influence on me was a combination of Zen master and Yoda, with such lessons as ‘Sometimes the thing left out is the important part.’ I decided to change my focus from fine arts to design.”