Jim Cogswell to Present in UK

Jim Cogswell will present a talk titled “Jeweled Net of the Vast Invisible: a multimedia experience of cosmology”, at the Twelfth Annual Sophia Centre Conference, “The Marriage of Heaven and Earth: Images and Representations of the Sky in Sacred Space.” The conference is sponsored by the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture, a Program of the School of Archaeology, History and Anthropology at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. It will be held at Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institute in Bath, UK, June 28 to June 29, 2014.
Jeweled Net of the Vast Invisible is an MCubed sponsored collaboration
with cosmologist Greg Tarle (Physics) and musician/composer Stephen Rush (SMTD), and Brian Nord, cosmologist at Fermi Lab, to create a fly-through of dark energy fields using massive data sets from the Millennium Simulation. The team created an immersive sound and video environment in April at the Duderstadt Center Video Production Studio.
Link: http://www.historyofastrology.org.uk/conferences/HeavenAndEarth/speakers.html