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Janie Paul Participates in Panel on Guatemalan Folktakes and Community

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Janie Paul will participate in Mirrored Mountains: A Panel on Mayan Language, Folktales, and community around Lake Atitlan Guatemala — Friday, Apr. 17 at 1 pm, Walgreen Drama Center.

Mirrored Mountains: A Panel on Mayan Language, Folktales, and community around Lake Atitlan Guatemala
Friday April 171pm
Studio 2, Walgreen Drama Center, 1226 Murfin Avenue

A place of great beauty and political trauma, Lake Atitlan is home to many indigenous Mayan communities who are the survivors of a long and brutal civil war. Panelists will discuss the role of language and folktales in helping native communities create the fabric of cultural resilience and renewed identity.

Panelists: Janie Paul, Stamps School Professor; Ajpub’Pablo Garcia Ixmata, Professor of Linguistics at Universidad Rafael Landivar, Guatemala; Judith M. Maxwell, Professor Linguistics and Anthropology at Tulane University

This panel is in connection with Sun and Shadows, a giant shadow-puppet drama based on a Mayan foldtale, light-projected on the outside glass walls of the Walgreen Drama Center. Performances are Friday 4/17 at 8:30, 9:30 and 10:30 and Saturday 4/18 at 8:30 and 9:30.