Irina Aristarkhova publishes a new article on the architectures of hospitality

Irina Aristarkhova publishes a new article in PUBLIC: Art | Culture | Ideas 61 and speaks on a related panel exploring the architectures of hospitality.
Join PUBLIC for a lively virtual exploration of architectures of hospitality in cities, camps, and the cinematic frame. This panel brings together feminist cultural theorist Irina Aristarkhova, architect Charlie Hailey, and cultural and media scholar Sara Swain, whose texts are featured in the current issue of the journal PUBLIC: Art | Culture | Ideas. Edited by curator/critic Sylvie Fortin, this publication examines the currencies of hospitality.
Tuesday, March 9, 2021, from 1 – 2:30 pm
Click here for details and registration for this virtual event.
Click here for information about PUBLIC: Art | Culture | Ideas.
About Aristarkhova’s text “Welcoming Architecture of Buromoscow:”
The flight of people on swings surprises Irina Aristarkhova as she crosses central Moscow’s Triumfalnaya Square. She seizes this experience of encountering airborne Moscovites on oversized swings to elaborate on the architecture of hospitality developed by the Buromoscow architectural studio and its significance in contemporary Russia, positing that their “spatial production and enactment of individual and communal experiences of hospitality” in public space not only welcomes, but interpellates a new Russian body (politic) into being.
Click here to order your copy of PUBLIC 61, Currencies of Hospitality.