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Irina Aristarkhova:  “Hospitality of the Matrix”

Aristarkhova Book Image 1

A&D Associate Professor Irina Aristarkhova’s new book Hospitality of the Matrix: Philosophy, Biomedicine, and Culture” is out from Columbia University Press. It was a featured Cover of the Week” in July, available at http://​www​.cup​blog​.org/​?​p​=7267. Marshal Zeringue from The Page 99 Test” blog discussed it at http://​page99test​.blogspot​.com/​2012​/​08​/​i​r​i​n​a​-​a​r​i​s​t​a​r​k​h​o​v​a​s​-​h​o​s​p​i​t​a​l​i​t​y​-​o​f​.html. To read more about the book, go to http://​cup​.colum​bia​.edu/​b​o​o​k/978 – 0231 – 159289/hospitality-of-the-matrix.