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Hopscotch Detroit: 4 Miles of Community Art


Wedge Detroit, a new design collective made up of Dylan Box (BFA 12), Ellen Rutt (BFA 12), Laura Willming (BSE 12), and Ajooni Sethi (BA 12), will be breaking a world record for the longest Hopscotch course by laying down 4 miles of chalk squares during the Detroit Design Festival in mid-September. The course, covering sidewalks from downtown to midtown Detroit will bring out community organizations, businesses, artists, families, and kids in the Detroit area to make a giant collaborative art piece supporting physical activity, creativity, community engagement and play. The 4‑mile-long course will laid out throughout the week of the Detroit Design Festival (Spetember 19th-23rd). On Saturday, September 22nd, organizations and individuals will convene to draw murals, play games, and celebrate community. If you would like to support or be involved, email Hopscotch@​wedgedetroit.​com, or visit the fundraising campaign at: http://​indiegogo​.com/​H​o​p​s​c​o​t​c​h​D​e​t​r​o​i​t​?​a​=​333028