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Homing Pigeons for the Digital Age

Twitter Carrier Pigeons 1 10 Eastbound Sign 4 Inkjet print 30 x 40 Seth Weiner 2012

Artist Seth Weiner (BFA 2005) equipped 6 homing pigeons with devices he built and programmed to receive signals from designated Twitter accounts. The pigeons, trained to return to their loft, would fly along an L.A. freeway, and whenever one of them flew within 10 to 15 feet of one of those LED information signs, its device would interfere with the sign’s feed. The most recent tweet from the designated account then would show up on the signs, so one sign said Beirut Graffiti.” Another said, Every time a newscaster says #PussyRiot an angel gets its wings.” Photos of these signs appear in the show Seth Weiner at Venice 6114 Curated by Sergio Bromberg. Four of the birds live at 6114 Projects intermittently right now, too. 6114 Venice Blvd.; through Oct. 8. http://​venice6114​.com.

— Catherine Wagley, Five Artsy Things to Do” LA Weekly
