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Holly Hughes: Standing Heat opens in Chicago

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Standing Heat,” produced and curated by Holly Hughes, opens at Links Hall in Chicago on May 4th. The series of animal themed performances runs Friday through Sunday at Chicago’s première performance space in Wrigleyville, and features an array of nationally known artists. Chicago based storyteller Kestutis Nakas will open the series with No Bees for Bridgeport,’ an exploration of urban bee-keeping set against the shifting demographics of a South Side neighborhood and Other Animals” by multi media artist and eco-activist, Deke Weaver. Week two features Kevin Kling, a Minneapolis based story teller and frequent NPR contributor in a world première of Chicken Soup for the Chickens.” Finally, the last week features performances by Kim Marra in Horseback Views,” which recounts her journey to the 1980 Olympic equestrian competition, and a performance by U of M’s Dance Department’s Amy Chavasse in Girldogsongs.”

Hughes was selected as a curator after a national call for submissions. 

Tickets for the event are available at http://​www​.link​shall​.org .