Holly Hughes Profiled in University Record

A new University Record profile showcases an area of Stamps Professor Holly Hughes’ expertise outside of the classroom and stage: the world of dog agility training.
For Holly Hughes, nothing beats making a connection with a student and helping guide them flawlessly through obstacles in order to reach the end of their path.
That’s true for students she teaches as a professor of art and design in the Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design, of theatre and drama in the School of Music, Theatre & Dance, and of women’s studies in LSA.
But it’s also true for four-legged furry students as well.
Ever since she came to U‑M by way of New York City in 2001, Hughes has been involved in dog agility, a passion that helps draw her closer with her dogs, provides quality exercise for both handler and dog, and involves patience and learning by both parties.
Faculty member trains furry friends for agility contests | The University Record