Holly Hughes Kicks off 50th Anniversary of the Balch Playhouse

Holly Hughes will perform “The Dog & Pony Show” at Kalamazoo College’s fiftieth anniversary of the Nelda Balch Playhouse. Hughes, who has been recognized as a Distinguished Alumna, will be in residence, teaching classes and workshops in theatre and LGBT studies.
Special Festival Playhouse Diversity Guest Arts Series Performance
Saturday, Sept. 21, 2013 8pm, Nelda K. Balch Playhouse
The Dog and Pony ShowA hilarious one-person show about lesbians and their dogs by award-winning performance artist and K‑alum Holly Hughes ‘77. A 2010 Guggenheim recipient and current Professor at the University of Michigan School of Art & Design, Hughes describes the piece as “a blend of autobiography, animal behavior and bald-faced lies…a poetic/comic meditation on the midlife crisis in the key of canine by the woman who drove Jesse Helms nuts. Or nuttier.” Followed by a talk-back, book signing, and reception for the artist. While there is no charge to attend The Dog and Pony Show, reserving tickets is an option and encouraged for those with special needs or who are attending in partial fulfillment of course requirements. Reserved tickets will be held at the box office until 10 minutes prior to curtain at 8pm; tickets not picked up by that time will be made available to others who are interested. Call 269−337−7333 for ticket reservations and for more information.