Holly Hughes and Phoebe Gloeckner at Lit Quake SF

Holly Hughes and Phoebe Gloeckner will be performing October 15 at Lit Quake in San Francisco. The event, Radar Reading Series, is curated by author Michelle Tea, organizer of the Sister Spit series, a roving band of queer and feminist writers who perform nationally.
Radar Reading Series
October 15, 2013 — 6:00 PM
Latino Reading Room, San Francisco Public Library, Main Branch — 100 Larkin
Radar Productions is a San Francisco-based nonprofit that gives voice to innovative queer and outsider writers and artists whose work authentically reflects the LGBTQA community’s diverse experiences. A night of readings followed by audience discussion and cookies baked by hostess Michelle Tea!
Stahl, Jerry
Spahr, Juliana
Hughes, Holly
Gloeckner, Phoebe
Buuck, David