Fall 2021 Dean’s List

The Stamps School of Art & Design recognizes the academic excellence of its undergraduate majors for the fall 2021 semester through its Dean’s List
Placement on the Dean’s List requires a term grade point average of at least 3.8, a minimum of 16 earned credits with at least 15 graded credits, no incomplete grades, and no grade lower than a C. Transcripts carry official notation of this honor for each semester that it is awarded.
Congratulations to our Fall 2021 Dean’s list honorees!
- Samuel Adkins
- Imani Ahmad
- Frances Ahrens
- Jessica Allen
- Sydney Aranoff
- Amy Arechavaleta
- Allena Arteaga
- Jordyn Axelrod
- Elizabeth Bair
- Emilia Bauer
- Ayanna Bell
- Haylee Bohm
- Elizabeth Borgeson
- Paulina Braverman
- Whitney Brooks
- Natalie Bultman
- Shaun Burgan
- Maredith Byrd
- Yue Cai
- Anna Cao
- Emily Cao
- Sophia Cao
- Audrey Carter
- Yingxi Chen
- Sydney Christiansen
- Coby Christoph
- Sky Christoph
- Irene Chung
- Leigh Cohen
- Gabriel Consiglio
- Zoi Crampton
- Mackenzie Cray
- Maria D’Ambrosio
- Dallin Deem
- Madison Dennis
- Jenny Do
- Demetria Dresser
- Regina Egan
- Yassmine El-Rewini
- Jumana Elkahlah
- Katherine Estey
- Skylar Farah
- Lindsay Farb
- Samantha Farber
- Alexis Felcher
- Grace Filbin
- Ellie Flowers
- Paige Foster
- Ashlee Freeman
- Sophia Gallette
- Victor Garcia
- Coyne Gatto
- Megan Glassner
- Boya (Selina) Gong
- Felicia Gordon
- Rachel Grabow
- Olivia Graham
- Anna Gray
- Jaleah Green
- Samantha Greenhill
- Riley Grice
- Madison Grosvenor
- Lynn Hayes
- Robin Heckel
- Eleanor Heibel
- Kylie Ho
- Chloe Hooker
- Alyssa Huang
- Dilan Huang
- Anna Jain
- Grace Jermstad
- Laura Jhirad
- Younji (Jinny) Jin
- Jenna John
- Maddy Kachikian
- Liana Kaiser
- Mari Kamidoi
- Na Hee Kang
- Natalie Keating
- Elizabeth Keessen
- Savannah Kellner
- Nuala Kennedy
- Insun Kim
- Kyungrim Kim
- Michelle Knappe
- Molly Kraine
- Marie Kratochwill
- Atara Kresch
- Eva Kubacki
- Pheiv Kurtz
- Xochitl Kwasnik
- Penny Lam
- Charlotte Lee
- Katherine Lee
- Ansley Lewis
- Sohyun Lim
- Joanna Loeb
- Mac Logue
- Kyler Luna
- Anders Lundin
- Miles Macklin
- Emily Mann
- Ruth Marks
- Abigale Mason
- Meghan McCarthy
- Alaina McQuillan
- Alexandra McRill
- Gabrielle Mechaber
- Ben Michalsky
- William Mizer
- Marilyn Mok
- Jennifer Moya
- Natalie Nelson
- Natalie Neumann
- Michelle Ng
- Megan Ocelnik
- Kaitlyn Onela
- Olivia Ortiz
- Annabel Paul
- Laurel Petrides
- Jay Petrowski
- Jonas Pflaumer
- Erica Poon
- Anna Poorman
- Sophia Porigow
- Maisie Prince
- Grace Queen
- Madison Quist
- Abigail Rankin
- Hannah Richards
- Leon Rits
- Kiera Rydzik
- Sydney Sabbota
- Chloe Schans
- Jordyn Schioppo
- Jake Schraga
- Rylie Schrotenboer
- Claire Schwartz
- Farhana Shah
- Oliver Shapton
- Rin Sharpe
- Seung Jae Shin
- Saima Siddiqui
- Morgan Sieloff
- Grace Sirman
- Rochelle Smith
- Annika Smits
- Grayson-Felisa Snyder
- Lauren Strawn
- Jenny Suh
- Cristen Sunga
- Ieva Surantas
- Samantha Sweig
- Alyssa Tarry
- Lakyla Thomas
- Vera Ting
- Angeline Tran
- Samuel Turner
- Maille Uyehara
- Theodore Verrone
- Natalie Wacker
- Jaymes Walker
- Keara Walsh
- Jingting Wang
- Yixuan Wang
- Alyssa Wilcome
- Preston Williams
- Jaz Wilson
- Bryce Worthing
- Thomas Wu
- Claire Yang
- Shannon Yeung
- Zichen Zang
- Chenyu (Zoe) Zhang
- Jihong Zhao
- Katie Zhao
- Zia Zhao
- Shannon Zheng
- Siyu Zhong
- Abigail Zotter