Endi Poskovic to Speak at Case Western Reserve University

On Wednesday, October 19, Stamps Professor Endi Poskovic will visit Case Western Reserve University’s Siegal Lifelong Learning Program to give a presentation entitled Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Where Sephardim and Ashkenazim Meet. This visual presentation draws on art, personal narrative and history to explore the Jewish experience in the city of Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina. There, Sephardic Jews from the Iberian Peninsula and Ashkenazi Jews of the Hapsburg Empire, came to live side by side with their Bosnian Christian and Muslim neighbors forming an identity and a way of life inseparable from the region.
Endi Poskovic — Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Where Sephardim and Ashkenazim Meet
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at 7 pm
Anshe Chesed — Fairmount Temple
23737 Fairmount Blvd., Beachwood, Cleveland, Ohio
To learn more about this event and to register, please visit: http://case.edu/lifelonglearning/endi-poskovic/