Endi Poskovic to Jury 2015 Kraków International Print Triennial

Endi Poskovic has been named a member of the international jury of the 2015 Kraków International Print Triennial (Miedzynarodowe Triennale Grafiki), the preeminent and most comprehensive international printmedia exhibition in the world.
During the week of June 15, 2015, Endi Poskovic will be meeting in Krakow, Poland with the members of the international jury: Alicia Candiani (Argentina), Vladimiro Elvieri (Italy), Dorota Folga-Januszewska (Poland) and Carinna Parraman (United Kingdom) to review the works of over 900 artists from all over the world whose print works will be considered for the exhibition.
Organized every three years in cooperation between partners of the Europe-based International Print Network, (Vienna, Oldenburg, Istanbul, Falun, Katowice, Kraków), the main Kraków International Print Triennial exhibition will open at Bunkier Sztuki Center for Contemporary Art in Kraków on September 18, 2015. A series of satellite and traveling exhibitions take place throughout the city of Krakow as well as other Polish cities and internationally in Vienna, Falun and Oldenburg.