Endi Poskovic Exhibits, Lectures at IMPACT 2015 Conference in Hangzhou

Stamps Professor Endi Poskovic‘s work is featured in Resurrecting the Phantom: Print in the Post-Print Biennial at CAA Art Museum in Hangzhou, the main exhibition of the 2015 IMPACT International Printmaking Conference at China Art Academy. Organized by Xu Jiang and Kong Guoqiao, and curated by Cai Feng, Li Zhenhua, and Min Han, Resurrecting the Phantom includes work by Xu Bing, Stephen Chambers, Chen Haiyan, Chen Qi, Marian Crawford, Kiki Smith, Kang Jianfei, Klaus Merkel, Kong Guoqiao, Endi Poskovic, Qiu Zhijie, Kavita Sha, Su Xining, Clare Humphries, Dick Jewell, Sun Xun, Tang Ping, and Wu Junjong.
At IMPACT 2015, Poskovic also presented the paper Landscape, Abstraction, and Contemporary Print and chaired a panel on Social Practice in Contemporary Print with Marian Crawford, Clare Humphries, and artists from East London Printmakers.
Hosted by China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, the IMPACT biannual conference is the largest international academic and research forum in the field of printmedia, which brings artists, designers, educators, and curators from across the world.